It could save us all.

What is Sunlight, Soil & Shit (De)Cycle?

Sunlight, Soil & Shit (De)Cycle, or 3SDC, is a contestable food systems project about Agricultural Technology (AgTech) by SymbioticA artists Ionat Zurr and Oron Catts, in collaboration with Steve Berrick.

Transpiring in February 2022 at PS Art Space in Walyalup (Fremantle), Western Australia, the work is a performative durational experiment that includes an installation, public workshops, a symposium, a dinner party and live streaming of the event. A documentary by Kenta McGrath and Joseph London, Sunlight: YES, serves as both an extension of, and an artistic response to, the project.

As proposed by AgTech, the technological utopian future automates and controls food production, while non-standardised elements such as sunlight, soil and shit (the three S’s) are removed in favour of artificial light, substrates and fertilisers. In times of ecological crisis, there is a vital need for seriously playful artistic interventions into these fantasies of separating humans from Nature. By using aesthetics to intervene, sense, and gain data of the different processes involved in food manufacturing, the 3SDC project allows the public to consider their own relations with both Nature and technology.

Visit the 3SDC website.

The 3SDC Components

1. Compostcubator

Compost + Incubator = Compostcubator. A constructed pile of compost generates heat, warming the water that flows to a custom-designed biological incubator positioned on top. The heat sustains the growth of living (mouse) cells contained in a tissue-culture flask, to create what is known today as “lab-grown meat” (aka in-vitro meat, clean meat, cultivated meat or cultured meat). This type of “meat” is the cornerstone of cellular agriculture – the practice of growing animal products without the animal.

2. Alkaline Hydrolysis

Patented by Amos Herbert Hobson in 1888, Alkaline Hydrolysis is a process whereby bones, meat, animal waste and other such refuse can be broken down for fertilising purposes. Often marketed as “aquamation” or “biocremation”, it is promoted today as a form of environmental cremation suitable for humans and pets alike. 3SDC’s own Alkaline Hydrolysis urn uses hacked brewing equipment to break down the meat grown inside the Compostcubator, turning it into a nutritional supplement for plants.

3. Hydroponic Systems

The nourishing liquid produced through the Alkaline Hydrolysis process can be sprinkled over the soilless plants in the Hydroponic Systems, which are designed to optimise plant growth by bypassing Nature and strictly regulating nutrients, lighting and pH levels. Sleek, stylish and easy to use, they are perfect for high-density living areas with low space-potential (no sun required). The plants grown inside the Hydroponic Systems can be eaten and enjoyed – or better still, used as fodder for the compost that heats the Compostcubator, thereby renewing the cycle.

4. Control Room

The Control Room is the nerve centre of the 3SDC system and provides instant value, clarity and certainty. An array of sensors and cameras gathers indispensable information and knowledge, which is displayed onsite and online. The range of data collected is so comprehensive that it can facilitate food production within a completely nature-free environment. The Control Room eliminates the need to actually observe what is being produced – not to mention the need for sun, soil, wind and other such unreliable elements.

The 3SDC Cycle

Pop some mouse cells into the COMPOSTCUBATOR. The heat from the compost will turn them into meat.

Insert the meat into the ALKALINE HYDROLYSIS urn. It will be broken down into fertiliser.

Sprinkle the fertiliser on the HYDROPONIC SYSTEMS. Grow crops.

Eat and enjoy the crops produced.
Use the crops as fodder for the compost, and renew the cycle.

[Allow the CONTROL ROOM data to guide every step in the cycle.]

Did You Know?

Sunlight, Soil & Shit (De)Cycle was awarded the Award of Distinction in the “Intelligence Artificial & Life Art” category at Prix Ars Electronica 2023.